Πέμπτη, 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022
Δελτίο Τύπου
Χαιρετισμός του Υπουργού Οικονομικών κ. Χρήστου Σταϊκούραστο Συνέδριο της Ολομέλειας των Φορολογικών Διοικήσεων της Ε.Ε. (TADEUS), που πραγματοποιείται στη Ρόδο
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Greece, in the first physical plenary meeting of the Tax Administration EU Summit (TADEUS), since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.
I would like to congratulate the Greek Independent Authority for Public Revenue, and its Governor George Pitsilis, for hosting this important, high level plenary, which brings together all Heads of European Tax Administrations.
Your role and contribution in shaping a fair society and a strong economy – both at national and European level – is crucial and underlines the need for close cooperation.
Especially in these challenging – globally – times, where the taxation systems are challenged by developments such as changes in public administration, digitalization and digital transformation.
To that end, today’s plenary provides an ideal opportunity for an open, strategic and constructive dialogue among the heads of Tax Administrations on challenges, risks and opportunities in a post pandemic environment.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This event takes place in a protracted period of high uncertainty and volatility that reflects on the Greek and the European economy.
The last 3 years we are going through consecutive crises, in the form of exogenous symmetric shocks stemming from the ongoing geopolitical tensions that pass through skyrocketing energy prices to importing inflation, following the pandemic wave which is still unfolding.
Above and beyond any past, current and upcoming crises, we are still and always committed to stand up to the expectations as set out by the Prime Minister Mr. Mitsotakis when we first stepped in power.
This is why amid all these crises and despite the turbulences caused by them, the Greek economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience and important achievements, as a result of the well-targeted and effective policies pursued by the Government, including the implementation of forward-looking reforms. Among others, Greece recently managed to exit enhanced surveillance framework, our economy is growing fast, investments are strengthened and unemployment has shrunk, significantly.
On top of all the aforementioned achievements, the Greek Government, from the beginning of its term, set as one of its strategic goals, in the field of the economy: its unwavering commitment to the formation of a stable, efficient and socially just tax system.
A goal based upon a four-pillar approach to encourage employment, attract investment and form voluntary compliance, namely:
- Reductions in taxes and social security contributions.
- Establishment of tax incentives.
- Formation of a legislative framework to limit smuggling, and
- Inclusion of projects in the Recovery and Resilience Fund that lean on a more digitalized public and private sector and on efficient tax administration and tax collection, among others.
In the face of all remaining endeavors, we should always make good use of time in order to speed up all remaining reforms, aiming at ensuring a solid base for a prolonged and sustainable impact on the country’s long-term economic outlook.
Today’s meeting is a ground of fruitful discussion among member states, among tax administrations, on future challenges, on the state of play of current projects and on what to proactively do to lead the way forward.
Some of the topics to be covered today, or in upcoming events, are also at the forefront of academic debate with policy makers. We need to understand:
- How tax systems and the administrations are faring in the aftermath of pandemic?
- How economic policy can take action and support economic recovery in the short term, ensuring at the same time fiscal resilience and environmental sustainability?
- Which are the prevailing mega-trends that will challenge taxation over the course of next generations?
- Can we estimate performance in a cross-country comparison?
- Are tax gaps estimated systematically? Are methodologies updated to address new challenges and resolve inherent biases?
- How to promote cross-country – active – cooperation in terms of sharing data, practices, experiences and ideas?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Seeking answers to every single question, taking advantage of all forces engaged, we still have the opportunity not only to recover, but to enter in a strong and sustainable upward trajectory at the European level.
Quoting a well-known African saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”
I hope you will find this program instructive and useful, as well as enjoyable.
Wishing you all an excellent and fruitful stay in Rhodes and looking forward to your active participation in the Conference.
2022-09-15 ΔΤ_Χαιρετισμός_ΥΠΟΙΚ_Συνέδριο_Ολομέλειας_Φορολογικών_Διοικήσεων_ΕΕ